Two Poems

by E. Kraft

Up the Hill

perpetually up the hill

deadlines making the path ever

longer, endless


struggle to balance

work, family, friends

and a desperate desire for


a bit more time, me time

so elusive, insurmountable:

why battle? who cares?


then an intermittent summit:

understand a complex concept,

complete a protracted project,


a momentary deep breath

overlooking the cliff,

making the ongoing climb worthwhile  



Tofu Legacy

Chou Dou Fu  臭豆腐

My Taiwanese mom’s

Favorite Tofu

Stinking like toe jam

Shoving competitors away

Still beckons the bold forward

To sneak a peek

Its crispy skin

Glistening with black sable

Or light bronze

Soft margaric center

Oozing in a spicy garlic heaven

One bite for fermented bliss

The only legacy my mom left

Worth savoring.

BIO: E. Kraft is a poet who enjoys creating origami art and coding for a non-profit organization. Her poems have been published by The Inlandia Institute, The Hanging Loose Press, The National Poetry Quarterly, and others. She is grateful for everyone who has read her poems or attended her readings.


Three Poems


Four Poems