Five Poems
by Mercedes Lawry
She: A Retrospective
She was spoiled grandeur
She was allowed
She was a page in an ancient book, brittle, spider-tracked
She was in tune with birds of all sorts
She was broken electric
She came to you in a dream that was actually a lie
She made strange soft sounds, like halted breaths
She was the lesson of trees, eternal
She caught blue and turned it to shadow
She was quick
She believed in contradiction and original sin
As so-and-so said
And there we have our expertise,
experience and false gods,
no blushing allowed.
Must you have a nose
to be on the nose?
Oh, wisdom, you’re a furtive one
and such disguises!
Let us take a string of words,
weigh them, knock off the corners,
dip them in tepid water, string them
across the mantel, let us
listen, dissect, interpret, and possibly
Consciousness in Dim Light
Invade the space of the mind,
home to tinkers and bards
where word-threads loop and tangle,
fissure the sky-trails
scuttling through seasons.
Only connect the vision and periphery.
Let the likely desires of thought
lie down with the faint ideas.
Here, tunnels and hummocks
verges and dolmens, such swift
transport through fractured synapse.
Come in and make merry
in the slippery abandon, a feast
of such nimiety, rules bent
science twirled and scorned
into what might take us outside
the ruins of our minds,
faint and disappearing
like frescoes
on a pale, moldering wall.
At What Point
bone truths
how we know the risk
as the measure of floods
the sodden lumber
of the lost
numerical narratives form
from the Greek – decision
decisive point
how many in the zone
of tolerance, until the moon
fractures, the valleys collapse?
marrow clues, no
detectives at the gates
water in excess
water in absentia
earth’s puzzle
with no breathing space
A Summary of Grief
effortless, the blue be-gone sky
the ache of it
empty, and whether or not
I am saddened or lost
eventual darkness slips in
like slow paint
and I lie down in the bed
pull the blanket up
the marrow of loss
BIO: Mercedes Lawry’s most recent book is Vestiges from Kelsay Books. She’s published three chapbooks and poems in journals such as Nimrod and Alaska Quarterly Review. Her book Small Measures is forthcoming from ELJ Editions, Ltd. in 2024. She’s also published short fiction and stories and poems for children. @mercwrites