Nerve Center

A Virtual Poetry (Micro)Chap

by Tempest Miller

Nerve Centre

Banana dress, he wears as he walks in the prevailing wind of the beach.

He knows too well that a day is fleeting,

crushed in an instant like a soda can.

And he goes through town walking very quickly inland from the sea and cove.

He walks over bridges and steps on storm drains.

The bells of townspeople Morris dancers follow him everywhere

as he retreats beneath rumbling skies to degenerate old churchyards.

His dress becoming a wispy and flamboyant skirt,

a golden thread.


In the churchyard as the grave keeper.

That is his job.

What a strange town.

Hiding under graveyard trees that grow

very thick and large with free branches,

digging up muck,

tossing it filled with bones over his shoulder.

Rabbits in the graveyard.

This town with all its dead people,

the demography forever trending towards old and white

and dispassionate conservatism,

have entrusted their bones,

corpses to someone so glorious.


Everything so disparate in this graveyard,

him the completely bespeckled, all-knowing oneness of man.

Like the Buddha.

Looking at him you come to understand he is not only a grave keeper,

but a treasurer,

arbiter of the whole town and its traditions,

like a guard at the Tower of London.

He is not ideological but relentlessly scientific

in his understanding of past and present.

He wishes to influence the long-term,

sees everything as malleable, an institution, and men and women cast in nickel,



To fall in love with the man in the banana dress,

to sail out to enveloped, murky islands of disease,

eating exotic cuisine and dirty-cheap tacos,

and stand in the castle halls of mirrors.

Across the room from each other,

the spices still on our lips,

jousting in a prism of royal glass.

That is the nerve centre of all I want.

*Originally published in chapbook England 2K State Insekt.


The thirsty triathlete

swallows whole succulent fat

oblong lemons

from the kerb where she is running

I liked lemons once

in orchards on high ground

above the sea

they were covered in salt

they were loaded into big wooden boxes

and put on trucks

taken to the psychiatric clinic in the city centre

across from the Category B jail and the Five Guys

and everywhere slabs of yellow stone for pavement

they were a peace offering

share your story

tell us who you are

the lemons hang revolted at themselves

droopy heavy

defiled total yellow

like sand

the triathlete runs away

Cider Teeth

Soho shakes as he walks through

combat boots, Carnaby street, leather jacket

his collar turned up leaning on the black bollard

a fake cigarette in his mouth, the colour pattern too blocky

he has sunglasses

the clouds are darkening

crows go across the sky

he thinks about dildos in his arse

he puts his hand in his top coat pocket

creamy beads silver pearls

he lifts them slightly from his chest and sucks them in the street

in his mouth, they look like horse reins

and this horse cart walks on and rests on a little iron bench

he looks vulnerable with the beads in his mouth. His arthropod mouth organ.

anyone would

for sacheting drunk up and down Soho

he wishes his teeth weren’t dirty from Strongbow.

he wishes certain people went away.

he wishes the houseboy was coming

naked except his underwear on a motorbike

and that he would pull up in front

and get on and get off and get on in front of him

and he could touch himself watching his naked knees

fill and unfill with muscle hooking and unhooking 

from a Hunter S Thompson gonzo thrill ride

where his erotic delusions do not stem

it’s fancy town with fancy dress

but let’s relax in Wetherspoons

until 3 in the afternoon.

He looks in the direction of Trafalgar

he sees people swarming a woman in knee highs


he feels such rising bile

he puts his hands in his locks, Banquo 

he tastes fermented cucumbers, skipping gay Ronald McDonald

what about him? traversing from Heathrow to inner London

braiding on anxiety pills from Cardiff to Devon

why is he here? 

everything they look at is a lie

everything they love is Hell

he crosses his legs, uncrosses them

he sends himself back behind the arras

must erect a curtain between here and there

His face darkens

He slouches

becomes old very old

as he pulls another golden strongbow from his shoe bag.

Bloody Mind of Primitivism

I refuse to die, at home alone with drunk sleepy father.

I will take every treatment.

I will fill my lungs with air.

My body is stretched and replenished

as I walk through the wormhole

back to mystical nineteenth century Wales,

burning farmhouse,

mother in cloths and rags dropping baby down wishing well.

I refuse to die and I refuse to sit still.


I’m only fourteen

but I nurse a burning affection for the twenty-six-year-old man

who drives the milk truck,

and who one day I will invite in and trap with a skeleton key.


At the farmhouse, there is a secret door which goes to a basement,

where there are innocent victims chained to the walls.

Their eyes shoot through me.

If only I could reach through the square and grey pale of time and free them.

I refuse your questions, your answers.

I refuse your mother’s expressionless responses and desire.

Your beautiful friend with his bayonet,

who I was once shackled to and who I thought would be his own medicine for me

and who I could envision travelling with

to shag on English Civil War church stones,

he will soon yearn for me.

He will yearn for me until he is mad,


a hopping frog. And he will forego his amphetamine

and his painting tools.

And when he does, I will refuse him also,

pregnant with feverish desire.

I will not die, but I will gladly be forgotten.

I will disappear into the icy, misty vulgarity of all of time.

*Originally published in chapbook England 2K State Insekt.


A donkey bites my hair

a bear hides in a tree

but the donkey kicks back legs into a woodburner

and lets go

in the external world

which my psychologist friend describes as ‘oceanic’

the donkey finds and eats another donkey

lodged at his benthos

and assumes his form

and runs into the desert

River Mouth

Down at the river mouth

feeding the dog a bone he turns to liquid

arriving with a mahogany scent

with bells

with a birthmark

a crown of bones

on the folly over the water

a bearded man dragging a bag of coins up the beach land

the waves spray

unbridled against the galleon loaded with coffins

I have the salt on my ribs until nightfall

a new year ushered in

with dogs and the smell of cake and fish

the hoops of my majestic jacket unbound

I go to sleep early

and my heart thumps the whole bed

searching for the poet’s passion

not yet in love

not yet a Lord among the divine

but soon

he in the dark

the blood breaking from his valves

the world long


the sleepless nights encompass the full universe

my heart throbbing

rested on a dark, lonely mattress

Black and white photo of Tempest Miller

BIO: Tempest Miller (he/him) is a queer writer from the UK. He publishes a monthly chapbook on Amazon. His work has appeared in JAKE, Boats Against the Current and Swamp Pink. His instagram is @tempestm1ller.


Has Anyone Had Fun Yet?


A Wall of Noise