Reading of “The Dead Pile”
An excerpt from The Beasts They Turned Away.
by Ryan Dennis
Ryan Dennis reads from the beginning of his novel The Beasts They Turned Away, published by époque press on March 11th, 2021.
A transcript of the reading is accessible via the online content on the YouTube website.
BIO: Ryan Dennis is the author of the literary novel The Beasts They Turned Away, published by époque press in March 2021. His fiction, personal essays and poetry have appeared in numerous literary journals, such as The Cimarron Review, Fourth Genre and New England Review. He is a former Fulbright recipient in creative writing and has taught at several universities. He was a 2021-2022 Writer-in-Residence at Maynooth University. Ryan is also the founder of The Milk House, a literary journal that focuses on rural writing.