
The Argyle presents…

A Wall of Noise

A Vitural Poetry (Micro)Chap by Damon Hubbs

Poet Damon Hubbs, offers up seven pieces of remarkable poetry in this (micro)chap that tests the waters of perception with vivid imagery and health doses of gravity.

This mini-chap will vanish into the ether upon publication of The Argyle’s fourth issue in July 2024. Read NOW before it disappears.

Jamie Gill

Artist Spotlight

Jaime Gill is a British-born writer living in Cambodia. His work been published by Litro, The Guardian, the BBC, Beyond Words, Voidspace, Wanderlust, In Parentheses, Write Launch, Beyond Queer Words, Vine Leaves, and the Bangkok Post. He consults for non-profits across South East Asia while working haphazardly on a novel, script, and far too many stories, several of which have won or been finalists for multiple awards including The Masters Review annual contest, the Bridport Prize, the Beyond Words challenge, the Farnham Flash Fiction Award, the Rigel Prize, and the Plaza Prizes. Find him at or www.instagramcom/mrjaimegill or

Theme 03: "Vice"

Theme 03: "Vice"

Sex shop neon sign (Photo by Maxence Pira on Unsplash)

Though The Argyle is on indefinite hiatus, we hope to release accepted submissions for Theme 03, ‘Vice,’ sometime this Fall 2024. Visit our website and/or our social media for any updates.

Note from the EIC

To all of our faithful readers and contributing artists, I am overjoyed to announce that The Argyle will be returning from its extended hiatus this Spring 2025. There is still a lot of planning to do and many changes that need to be implemented before Issue #4 will see the light of day; however, (little by little) we will get there.

For now, The Argyle has a new logo, which we have updated on our social media accounts, as well as on our website. We have also recently created a new social media account on Bluesky, which we are having a great time developing, so please take a moment and take a look and give us a follow! As always, we still maintain a presence on X, Instagram, Threads, and Facebook; we will be ramping up our presence on all accounts, re-sharing much of the amazing work we have published, as well as providing updates on our progress for the relaunch.

Getting back to what we think is the best lit mag EVER has seemed like a dream for so long, words escape me now in expressing the gratitude I feel for not only this second chance but for the support of our readers and contributors alike. Many thanks, ya’ll.


David Estringel

EIC at The Argyle Literary Magazine

COMING JUNE 1st, 2024!!!

Theme 02: The Ultimate B-52s Playlist

“Theme 02: The Ultimate B-52s Playlist” offers up poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and/or digital art inspired by the COOLEST band in the entire world, the B-52s!!!

Look out for a supplement with out choices sometime Fall 2024!!!

Blood+Honey Press

Groovy chaps by groovy writers for groovy people.

Blood+Honey Press is a micro-press and the publishing arm of The Argyle Literary Magazine. We aim to publish original and genre-defining chapbooks of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from contemporary authors. Much like The Argyle, we don’t prescribe to any particular idea of genre but celebrate the many layers that exist therein.

While Blood+Honey Press will work in tandem with The Argyle to publish content from its selected authors, it is also an independent micro-press that will eventually solicit and accept manuscript submissions directly from potential contributors.

Due to recent tornado drama, things are a bit delayed , but we’ll hit the ground running in Spring 2025 with our first offering from International Beat Poet Laureate, Michael D. Amitin.

Catch us on Twitter, Instagram, and Threads.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Shadow Morphine Dress by Michael D. Amitin

After a bit of a delay, Blood+Honey Press, the publishing arm of The Argyle Literary Magazine, will be publishing its first micro-chap Shadow Morphine Dress by International Beat Poet Laureate, Michael D. Amitin.

Shadow Morphine Dress was The Argyle’s initial virtual micro-chap and, since the beginning, was destined to end up in print. It will be Blood+Honey Press’ first offering and was actually the glue that cemented the idea for the press.

Publication is set for Spring 2025 with copies available for purchase via The Argyle’s website.

Visit The Argyle and watch our social media feeds for more information on Shadow Morphine Dress and other upcoming titles as they become available.

Don't miss out!!!

Don't miss out!!!

March 2024 Cover Art

Missed the #1 or #2 issue of The Argyle? No worries. Check our Archives and catch up!!!

The Argyle will return from its hiatus in Spring 2025. Please enjoy our 3rd and latest issue here and Issues #1 and #2 in our archives. We will see you soon, so keep an eye out on our socials for updates and the latest news!!!